Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A New Year ...

Do you realize it's 2009? It's almost been 36 years since I was born! Where has ALL the time gone?

It's been a crazy year. I've learned a lot, cursed a lot, cried a lot, yelled a lot, smiled a lot and blogged a lot!

Life has almost come full circle here and now. KLR is finally moving out and Sarah is moving in at the end of the month. I couldn't be MORE excited! I feel like I've seen the best and worst of myself this year, some of it really bad and some of it really good! I hope for an even better year this time. I think 36 will be a good year! It started off really well. I went to a New Year's Eve Dance in Huntington Beach with friends and danced a lot and met new and old friends. I didn't make it home for Christmas like planned - just too expensive! I had a really nice day though, I spent it ALL BY MYSELF and Loved it!! Both Roommates were gone and I had the entire apartment to myself and with all the tension, it was really nice and quiet!

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