So it's been a while since I've written, I've been really busy and just haven't had time. I just set up a new way of doing this and I'm trying it out.
This is just an update on what's happening in my life, 'cause we all know how good I am at this. Two majors have changed: First, I moved to a new place with one roommate. My lease ended and the two girls I was living with went their separate ways, one got married and the other graduated and moved to San Francisco for a job. I was not interested in being responsible for the lease and getting new roommates, so I moved. It is only temporary, I have found a great place with even better roommates but I have to wait until the end of June to move in, so I found a sub-lease for the time being. Both are with LDS girls and much nicer than the place I was at and with cheaper rent!
Second: I found a better job and started March 26th, so I've been here a couple of weeks and it is already better. The position is NOT reception, YEAH!!!. We all know how much I love being on the phone, so this is much nicer. I am working for a Retail Shopping Mall development company called "Macerich". It is the second largest retail development company in the US, so the room for growth is enormous. I work in the environmental department as an Associate Assistant to the Manager of Environmental, I know long title but it’s a title. I actually have things to do --- All Day. At the last job, I was sitting waiting for the phone to ring because I was too efficient and they didn’t have enough work for me. The pay is great, $ 37,500.00 per year and room to move. There are also stock options, company shares, and great benefits, which kick in immediately, not like in Canada where you have to wait your 3-6 months probation period. So Nice!!
I’ve also started socializing with the Single Group here. They’re a nice group and I’ve actually made some new friends. This has been a little weird, having to go back out of my comfort zone and put myself out there. I’ve never considered myself as shy but in this situation, I just wait it out until I have almost become a hermit, then I go, put myself smack in the middle of it and go completely crazy. I’m really going to try not to do that this time and just be myself, ‘cause I’m a pretty great girl.
Any way, that’s what’s happening here. The weather is beautiful, a little overcast today, but still warm.
Oh, I finally bought a laptop, it’s a Toshiba Satellite and an All-in-one printer/scanner and I’m finally starting online school in May. YEAH!!!!!! My paycheck allows me to pay for it as I go.
Things are coming together and it’s all good.