Friday, September 5, 2014

So it's been a while ....

Life has gotten away from me a little and I haven't been writing/posting here. Not really a reason, except I've been on tumblr and Facebook, and other social media. Not having anything really exciting happening has also been a reason, as I feel like I have nothing to write about :(. HOWEVER -- here is a run down of changes which have happened in the last 6 months:

1. I changed church wards in March of this year. I am now going the the Family ward Santa Monica 2nd. The Mid-Singles ward was dissolved by the Church authorities. A shock but I was planning on changing wards any way, it just happened a little sooner. I really love my new ward and feel comfortable there. I know so many more people than I originally thought. The Bishopric is a really great group of leaders!! The R.S. Committee is awesome too, I'm an active member of the choir (of course!), and I've made really great friends and connections there. A real blessing!

2. With the ward change, I now have new callings, yes calling(S)!! I always seem to have at least 2 - they are: Relief Society Board as an Enrichment Committee member AND I am the Senior Nursery Leader. This seemed rather daunting when they first asked me. I have always felt ill-equipped in regards to Nursery aged children. I never really felt I had the patience for that age group or the creativity!! But I'm learning that I do, in fact, have both and just need to give myself to well deserved credit and STOP being so hard on myself!!

3. I've changed jobs twice. I was out of the job since October 2013, with a short stint at Anderson School of Business in the Executive Education Department in January. I got a position at Red Bull as a project assistant - which I really loved but they needed someone with extensive financial experience way beyond what I have. I was sad about this but understood my limitations quickly, so I wasn't surprised. I am currently at Marlborough School for girls as a Development Executive Assistant as a temp. They are a private Junior and Senior high school for girls. So far they haven't really trained me in much so I have a lot of down time (this seems to be a weird trend in jobs temp jobs I get - they seem really well fitted for me but they never really take off.) so I'm not sure where I'm going to end up. The commute is long, it's located in Hancock Park, which is about 9.5 miles away from my house, but it isn't a bad trip only two buses which take about an hour and I tend to get home at a reasonable time in the evening considering traffic!

4. I've had 3 new roommates since I wrote last, all in the same room! Vickie finally moved out (YEAH!!!), she was replaced by Lisa (What a trip she was!), then there was  Brooke - who was an interesting girl, very needy and not at all self sufficient for a 28 year old! Now I have Trammie - she is a jewel. She keeps to herself by choice as she is a Dental Grad Student - so she needs a lot of study time; she is respectful and clean naturally - just really great! Linda is still here although not really there - she sleeps at her boyfriends or on site she's working at, our apartment seems to be a "home base" for her stuff! But I have no complaints about this - I have the apartment pretty much to myself!

So that's it in a nut shell.

Chat soon ~ R