These are the thoughts and insights I came away with after attending the General Women's Conference on September 27, 2014
Linda K. Burton: Temple Blessings ~ Peace & Comfort
We need to prepare to enter the Temple each time we go: We can receive a spiritual feast, we need to bring our "Lamp Oil" so we can learn of the Bridegroom. We need to keep our testimonies and faith bright like the Lamp of the Gospel. All laws of the Lord are drops of oil --> tithing, fast offerings, prayer, and scripture reading/studying ~ consistently! "Where much is required - much more will be given!" A higher level of obedience is commanded by the lord and required to receive the fulness of the Temple Blessings.
Jean A. Stevens: Daughters of God - Power of Covenants
Covenants connect us to God, they bring us Home to Him. Faithfully keeping covenants keep us on the Path to God. They identify us as disciples of Christ. The best way to keep a home safe is to stay faithful to our covenants. Every mighty change of heart matters to the Lord.
Niell F. Marriott: Share the Gospel
Add the Gospel light to your life and the lives of others. We need more voices of Women and Sisters in the sharing of the Gospel women have a circle of faith. We are the beautiful, bright beacons of Truth. God is light and we can continue in God. We can show and share with others. Truth shineth -Temples push back the darkness and enable us to come back to Christ's light. Turn to Christ - He is our only hope for salvation -- Except His plan for you and Come Unto To Him!
Dieter F. Uchtdorf: Daughters of God - Know Who You Are
You are a child of God - A Daughter of God - ALWAYS! Prepare for a future you cannot imagine. We must qualify for these blessings. Straight is the gate and narrow the pathway to God's kingdom. Obedience with all your heart, mind, and soul. We must obey all God's commandments, use the Atonement when needed, and choose His way! Embrace and Follow His commandments as best you can and when you fall short - use the atonement for forgiveness. Receive the shower of Heavenly blessings, Listen to the Divine counsel of the Gospel. The choice is Mine! Humble yourself, Stand as a Witness, Believe you can succeed, Motivate yourself daily. Attend Sunday meetings to renew your faith in God.
God Loves me - Even in my weakness - He Loves Me!!