Monday, January 7, 2019

Monday Motivations ....

It Monday morning and we are on week 2 of the new Gospel Doctrine study routine. This week's lesson is Matthew 1 and Luke 1 - "Be it unto Me according to Thy Word".

Matthew, chapter 1: So it starts with the "Begats", which I skimmed through, starting to properly read on verse 17, this is where the story really starts. There were 14 generations between Abraham and Joseph and as we know, it was "spoken of the Lord". It was interesting to read that Jospeh wasn't "with" Mary until after the birth of Christ, even though they did get married, although, the marriage is not spoken of here.  Joseph must have really had a lot of faith, even though he was visited by an angel, to believe Mary that she was still a virgin, being with child.

Luke, chapter 1: John the Baptist will be born to Zacharias and Elisabeth, which was told to them by the Angel Gabriel. In the sixth month of Elisabeth's pregnancy, Gabriel visited Mary and told her she would have Jesus and to not be afraid, that this was a great, but worthy sacrifice. Then Mary, her cousin, visited Elisabeth and they rejoiced. then Mary expresses her salutations of the Lord. It's interesting that the priest tried to call him after his father, Zacharias, but they know better and called him John as was told to them by the Angel Gabriel. Then the dumbness that Zacharias was lifted and he spoke and proclaimed his salutations of the Lord. And they are grateful and recognize the Lord's hand in all of these things and the promises which were given and fulfilled.

Questions & Learnings:
Who were Matthew and Luke? Matthew was a Jewish tax collector and Luke was a Gentile (non-Jewish) doctor. Matthew, in his writing, mostly reflected on the Old Testament prophecies and Luke told his more in story form, via eyewitness accounts and from the women's perspective.

Why did the Savior need to be born of a mortal mother and an immortal Father? A personal sacrifice was needed. Mary being mortal gave Jesus the ability to die, and Heavenly Father gave Him the power to overcome death.

God's blessings come in His own time. God's timing has and always will be His own. We must work within those parameters. As we are mortal and able to sin, we must learn patience and humility in our waiting. The Lord's doesn't make us wait to be mean, it is because either we are not ready for the blessing and need to learn more OR the blessing is not ready for us. This is HARD! If we can just remember though that the Lord is not being mean, we can have a better understanding the seek those things which we must learn to be ready for the the blessings we they come.

The faithful willingly submit to God's will. Sometimes the things which are asking for are not good for and that is why they don't come. The Lord's allows us to chose, yes, but I think for somethings, he stops things from coming to pass because he knows where those paths go and He is trying to protect us. I don't think He is making the choice for us, but i think He can and does make His thought known if we are willing to listen.

Mary testifies of Jesus Christ's mission.
Marys' insights on Christ:
* He will grant us to be delivered out of the hands' of our enemies so we can serve without fear
* He will give knowledge of salvation unto his people by the remission of their sins with tender mercy
* He will give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death to guide their feet into the way of peace.
* He will save His people from the bands of death and the adversary.