I'm planning on decorating with Silver and White with Lilac detailing. I bought some really pretty lilac shimmery ribbon at Michael's yesterday. I also bought some silver and irridesant pipe cleaners that I'm cutting and twisting into snow flakes.
I got some white pearl ball lights, with these crystal cut ball lights, also from Target.
These are the White Crystal globes I bought, aren't they pretty?
Growing up we always had a real tree, usually a pine. One year Dad bought a Spruce, it was huge (like 7 feet tall and 5 feet around) and really full and stunk up our house so bad you couldn't breathe. It Was Awesome! It was the year after Mom died and Dad was trying to bring in the Christmas sprirt like Mom always did. My Mom loved Christmas, I think it was her favorite holiday. I think it helped that her birthday was the 22nd and we always made it a separate day and NOT themed Christmas. Any way, my Dad did his best and if I remember correctly, it was a great Christmas. I think our major present was a check for a shopping trip though because who's Dad knows what to get his 17 yr old and a 12 yr old daughters?
As always, we all helped decorate it while listening to the Christmas Classics records. Dad did the lights and hung his Royal Blue glass globes and Christine and I did the rest in Mom's homemade clothespin mice and gold ribbons and bows, brass instruments and the gold and red globes.
Back to my tree, I'm planning on going to cost Plus and buying some of the great decorations I found there a couple of week s ago. i have some silver glittery snowflakes I bought last year. Have I mentioned I Love Silver and Lilac? The tree skirt is going be made out of a silver table clothe I found at Ross with white snow batting underneath. Of course when it is All done I will post pictures.
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