Monday, December 24, 2018

It's a Monday .. A Perfect Day to Start Over!

It's always been a part of my life, this Gospel, but to say that I truly believe, I'm not sure I do with ALL my soul! I know who He is, but I don't really believe he can do what is said about Him. This year, I would like to try, put Him to the test, in a way. I think it's time I tested my faith.

It's Christmas Eve, I awoke at 6:20am and didn't bother trying to go back to sleep. Last night I decided that I should try to start a new routine, as it was Monday. New week, New start! Breakfast, reading and studying the Sunday lesson, going for a walk in the morning air. As I am currently unemployed, I have a lot of time to do good things for myself. However, the motivation hasn't caught up with my desire yet. Hopefully soon. I weighed myself tis morning - I'm down 6.3 pounds, this helps!!!

Come Follow Me Lesson - Week 1

Learning has always been up to us and we have always had all the tools we needed. We've just had our hands held via the previous methods. This new way of learning/teaching allows us to hold the reigns and truly be inspired and become the learned disciples we can be. 

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